Praise your wives!

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Mar 3, 2024
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Anne and I have been married for over 25 years. We have never had a fight. We talk together and make decisions after conversations. I listen to her and often integrate her ideas into decisions. In the rare occasions when we disagree and I have to make a decision that is contrary to her ideas, she accepts it because I have listened to her and knows that she will support my decision, and may change it in her favor. But she supports me in making it work out.

She finds interesting ideas and brings neat surprises. She knows that I like history and guns. In November 2023 she surprised me by taking me to an antique gun show. We found a really neat muzzle loading shotgun. Nicely carved and engraved. No idea what it was worth. The seller wanted $300. She saw I liked it and paid for it herself as a present for me. This was my introduction into muzzleloaders!

She supports me in my addiction. I have bought several firearms. She goes with me to ranges to shoot. She reads a book, wearing hearing protection, while I shoot. She loves my hobbies.

Tell us about your wives!


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30 years come this May 6. We have had disagreements and even an occasional argument, but at the end of the day, even if we don’t agree, and there is a decision to be made, I’m the one that has to make it. Right or wrong, however, it turns out I take the responsibility for it, and she supports me when I’m the one left to make the decision.
We keep God in our marriage and our lives, and we follow these principles based on biblical direction.
We spend almost all of our time together outside of my hunting time. We both have valid CPL‘s and are active range shooters.
Both of us own multiple handguns, and when she sees one that I want, she always just tells me to buy it. She’s not into long guns or archery, but she definitely supports my habit and understands my joy of just being in the woods. She has been hunting with me a few times and she’s been there for the recovery and dressing.
We always get a lot of enjoyment when we hear our friends talk because nobody has a marriage like ours. As a matter of fact, most of them can’t wait to get away from each other while we do everything together.
It’s been 30 years gone by in a blink, and I wouldn’t change it for anything. I wish that everyone could experience this.

Ma and I started a second time around when we met late in life at college. We've been together for 35 years now and like many others here spend our time together pretty much. Disagree? Argue? Once in a while, but its never something that goes to bed that night with us.

She's a flower gardener and I'm the veggie gardener so we share time outside a lot, just in different areas of the yard. We both are good cooks and share those responsibilities equally. She's a quilter and has had her handiwork shown at our County Fair and ribboned as well as our State Fair. I'm a custom tackle builder and have ribboned at our county fair and placed third at our State Fair in a field of over 1500 entries. During the winter months we have our "stations" where we work without interfering with each other, yet we can talk freely and see each other.

We have a cabin and 40 acres in Northern Minnesota, ten miles inland from Lake Superior. We relish our time there. I keep the 4 acres of lawn mowed and she keeps here six or so flower gardens clean of weeds. We enjoy the wildlife that is frequent in the cabin yard.

She likes to travel, me..... not so much, but I do just so she's happy. The only thing I ask of her is to not stand in my way of our nine day deer season and she happily abides by that request.
The little woman and I are going on 36yrs and that has been just the two of us, short of family visiting. No children. We've had our ups and downs just like any other marriage. A couple times I've even been right. LOL

She has supported my hunting and fishing since day one. She actually bought me a muzzleloader for our first Christmas. She's hunted with me a few times for whitetail and isn't afraid of being around while one is field dressed. Quite frankly, she can cut up venison as well or better than most men! She loves fishing bluegill or perch.

The hunting she enjoyed the most was when I was hunting grouse. She loved the walks, the thunder of a grouse leaving cover, but mostly was at awe that I would harvest them. To this day she doesn't know how anyone can hit one going that fast. LOL

The little woman has done more for me than any other person on earth. She does more for me than any employee or family member ever could and does it without expecting payment. She's an excellent cook. She has her own double stack Huskey toolbox, full of tools. She has 2 chain saws and knows how to use them. And she'll work all day with the wood splitter, splitting and stacking.

I always wish I could be better.
How I got so lucky, only the Lord knows..........
My wife and I do almost everything together with never a harsh word. I found her by accident or did she find me? I tell her everyday how lucky I am to have found her but she tells me she is the lucky one! She likes being here in the "sticks" where we live, ranch, hunt, fish, and observe wildlife up close daily.

She could cook a rock and it would be tender and tasty. I'm sure glad Ninering did not find her before I did or he may not be able to get through his own front door. I am always on a diet or I could not get socks on. LOL
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Looks like me and Ed are the longest married. Just bee 50 years for us this past November. When we first got married she tried to persuade me to stop hunting! To fix that problem (we were married on Nov 10th), I went up to the cabin for 10 days for bear season and came back for Thanksgiving. Never another word about hunting!
She has no idea how many guns I have but she knows its a lot. We have absolutely nothing in common and we've had some doozy arguments but we've stuck together through it all. We went through the better or worse, and sickness and in health parts of the vows. She's my queen, she's a bit crazy (the Irish in her) and scares me sometimes but if you hurt her, they'll never find your body!
I debated all day if I was gonna say anything about this...
We were married 47 years and almost a half. Met when I was discharged from the USAF, she was in nursing school at the local hospital. She had almost six years on me, but never acted like it. Was raised by a deer hunter and never said anything negative about my buying/selling any guns I had. (Her dad was even worse). We have two grown sons in their late 40's now.
I could go on, but this is hard enough to type...
Cherish every moment of every day! I lost her this past Feb. 11th and miss her terribly....
We always get a lot of enjoyment when we hear our friends talk because nobody has a marriage like ours. As a matter of fact, most of them can’t wait to get away from each other while we do everything together.
It’s been 30 years gone by in a blink, and I wouldn’t change it for anything. I wish that everyone could experience this.

Very well-said. We are the same. We are together 24/7.

Especially keep God in your lives. So do we. We had previous marriages that failed. Before we decided to get married we went into Christian counseling. Separate classes in the same church.

For the first time we accepted that marriage was not only between us, but it was also God was a covenant part of our marriage. We realized that He was a very big part of our marriage.
Cherish every moment of every day! I lost her this past Feb. 11th and miss her terribly....
Lost my first in Oct 2000. Didn't think I would ever recover but I've been with the best partner a guy could have for 20+ now. She puts up with my foolishness and I love her more than life. She can't hunt anymore but supports my mild addiction and is the best Gigi our grandson could have. Now I gotta go tell her how much I appreciate her 💓
Recently celebrated 39 years of marriage. Disagreements now and then and who doesn’t have them? The Lord has always been in our lives and will stay that way. We are grandparents for a third time. We enjoy each others company and give space to each other specially for my hobbies. She actually pointed out my first BP pistol, a Pietta 58 Remington in old silver finish. It’s great growing old together with her!❤️
I'm on my 2nd wife been together almost nine years. From our first date on oct 1st 2015 till this day she's gotten flowers the first day of every month. She has a rolodex of cards she's saved everyone. I'm the hopeless romantic of the relationship. She loves the sun,water and heat. I love the cold and snow. Suffice it to say we're complete opposites on everything but shooting that lady can shoot a flea of a hounds butt. She's a little 5 ft tall 100 lb amazingly beautiful lady. That can hang a treestand gut a deer cut up steaks and make sausage. Then do her hair put on her heels and be the most beautiful lady you've ever laid eyes on. In case you can't tell I'm more in love with her now than I've ever been and tomorrow it will be more than today. It's not just happy wife happy life. It's her and i working together that makes a happy life. We love each other and it's not just a feeling. We know it's a job we work hard at everyday.
53 years married all I’ll say is “happy wife happy life” but it take me awhile to learn this.
I proposed to my wife at a friend's place in Wyoming. We were out on a snowmobile trip, saw a moose and her calf, and found a nice flowing creek to make my proposal... far away from that moose!
We got back to our friend's house and he said to me, 'happy wife, happy life' and I had never heard that before, at least enough to pay attention. So of course, I balked at the expression and responded with a laugh and carried on as if that advice was not meant for me. WELL, I was wrong because that was the best dang advice I've ever received from my friend. We are celebrating our 10 year anniversary later this year and we've been together a total of 17 years.

Especially keep God in your lives
There's only one more superior bit of advice and that is keeping God in your marriage and life. My wife and I are equally yolked and we do everything together. I thank God everyday and I don't know how I got so lucky!

As for my wife, she is a shooter, gun collector, firearms instructor, and an avid muzzleloader. We took a visiting friend to the range last week for an exclusive black powder outing and she finally gave my T/C Encore inline a chance and has now changed her perspective... there is a place for inlines!!! I knew she'd come around but now I have to part with my limited number of 209s.... happy wife, happy life ;)

Great topic and happy to share my experience.