Aberrant Behavior

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Well-Known Member
Feb 15, 2020
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I live in Baltimore, Maryland.

I don't have a television by choice. I looked at the local newspaper this morning on my way out of 7-11.

The front page story was about a woman in Essex, Baltimore County that was arrested Wednesday night after being pulled over for speeding on a "Routine Traffic Stop".

No driver's license. No insurance.

Cops were ready to let her find her way home, as they were arranging to have the car towed. Woman was running her mouth bragging about how she was going to be famous by the next day. The officers let her open the trunk to retrieve some belongings.

She hastily removed several items, and was trying to cover something up with a blanket when they discovered the bodies of her 7 year old niece, and 5 year old nephew because of the smell from decomposition. Both dead for some time. Niece weighed 21 pounds, and the nephew weighed 14 pounds.

Both suffering from malnutrition, and starvation. Pitiful excuses for why & how they were killed/died.

She had custody because her sister was deemed unfit to take care of her own children.

Woman is obviously a sociopath, because she has no feelings for anyone but herself.

I have been pondering the seemingly greater & greater number of these ABERRANT types of behaviors here in the United States. The first that comes to my mind is the Texas School Depository shooter. The next that I can recall is the Chicago Nine Nurses, of which 8 were killed. The 70's were full serial killers that I remember.Ted Bundy. Son of Sam. Charles Manson. Then, later came Jeffrey Dahmer, and Oklahoma City, and Ted Kaczynski and Columbine, and on, and on, and on, add infinitum.

My theory is that as our population keeps growing, the percentage of people who think aberrant, murderous thoughts, and act out on those thoughts; also keeps growing. Because, those aberrant, murderous people are around much longer today than in past decades/centuries because of the liberal laws of today. But, also because the larger the population becomes, the EASIER IT IS TO HIDE in that population. Thus, aberrant people can get away with being murderous far longer than they could in the small villages/towns of the past.

Where small town folks tended to take things into their own hands, and quickly dispose, legally & illegally, of people who acted in such ways and got caught.

If they are dead, then they can't send their aberrant genetic material into another generation to possibly breed a son/daughter that might act out like they did.
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Seems like people are just more savage today than when I was young.
No respect for authority, no religious beliefs, all about me attitude. The list goes on and on.
I used to live in Connecticut, in between Boston and New York city. Now I'm out here in rural Oklahoma, for the most part, people here are good and decent church going folks. Hard working, honest. There are some bad guys, like anywhere else.
I would much rather be here though than back east.
Aberrant , I had to look that word up.
how you
I live in Baltimore, Maryland.

I don't have a television by choice. I looked at the local newspaper this morning on my way out of 7-11.

The front page story was about a woman in Essex, Baltimore County that was arrested Wednesday night after being pulled over for speeding on a "Routine Traffic Stop".

No driver's license. No insurance.

Cops were ready to let her find her way home, as they were arranging to have the car towed. Woman was running her mouth bragging about how she was going to be famous by the next day. The officers let her open the trunk to retrieve some belongings.

She hastily removed several items, and was trying to cover something up with a blanket when they discovered the bodies of her 7 year old niece, and 5 year old nephew because of the smell from decomposition. Both dead for some time. Niece weighed 21 pounds, and the nephew weighed 14 pounds.

Both suffering from malnutrition, and starvation. Pitiful excuses for why & how they were killed/died.

She had custody because her sister was deemed unfit to take care of her own children.

Woman is obviously a sociopath, because she has no feelings for anyone but herself.

I have been pondering the seemingly greater & greater number of these ABERRANT types of behaviors here in the United States. The first that comes to my mind is the Texas School Depository shooter. The next that I can recall is the Chicago Nine Nurses, of which 8 were killed. The 70's were full serial killers that I remember.Ted Bundy. Son of Sam. Charles Manson. Then, later came Jeffrey Dahmer, and Oklahoma City, and Ted Kaczynski and Columbine, and on, and on, and on, add infinitum.

My theory is that as our population keeps growing, the percentage of people who think aberrant, murderous thoughts, and act out on those thoughts; also keeps growing. Because, those aberrant, murderous people are around much longer today than in past decades/centuries because of the liberal laws of today. But, also because the larger the population becomes, the EASIER IT IS TO HIDE in that population. Thus, aberrant people can get away with being murderous far longer than they could in the small villages/towns of the past.

Where small town folks tended to take things into their own hands, and quickly dispose, legally & illegally, of people who acted in such ways and got caught.

If they are dead, then they can't send their aberrant genetic material into another generation to possibly breed a son/daughter that might act out like they did.
how do you know it is generic
how you

how do you know it is generic
I don't KNOW anything. But, my studies in psychology won't let me pin 100% of the blame on environment & upbringing. To be sure, if someone is abused horribly as a child that factors greatly, it seems, in case studies on serial killers.

But, there MUST BE a genetic component to how aberrant/murderous/evil people come to be.

Because, enough of these murderous individuals spring right from the loins of perfectly ordinary, so called "normal" mother's and father's. In many cases they have siblings who never break the law. In other words, the rest of the family lives within society's constrictions, while the sociopath/psychopath in the family follows a completely different path.

Whatever reason there is for these people being just born that way, enough of them spring into being without EVER being physically abused, sexually abused, neglected, or mistreated in any way. To me that indicates that something is lacking in their brain chemistry. Perhaps, when they are in the womb developing, or perhaps in that crucial first two years of growth/life.

The hot button debate for decades within the scientific/psychiatric community has been NURTURE vs NATURE. Both sides tend to a take no prisoners, "We're 100% right, and the Other Side is 100% wrong" point of view.

Myself, I think that both sides of the argument have valid points to make. I don't believe that the argument for how kids with these aberrant behaviors grow up into murderous adults can ever be simply quantified by a number percentage such as 50/50, 60/40, 75/25, etc.

All I know is that they exist, in seemingly larger numbers than ever before, and if I am ever confronted with one that means me, or mine harm; then I will do my best to kill him/her, consequences be damned.
IMO its a lack of parenting and the feeling of entitlement they have. Parents today make me sick to my stomach.
When a child/teen is told "NO" that's something that they should have learned when they could first comprehend words.
I see it all the time, parents that will tell a child, "If you don't stop that by the time I count to 5....." Really???? No means No.
Just saw this not so new post. This kind of thing has been going on way back when. Only difference is social media is able to spread out the incidents faster and is able to reach a larger audience than before. Larger population will also increase the likelihood of more incidents.
very true Ernbar . stuff like this is why im a HUGE proponent of the death penalty ! no need to waste tax dollars keeping these POS's alive for decades . i'd much rather see those funds go towards helping needy families ..... but they'll just be wasted on some other dumb crap :( . it is what it is ......
There have always been a relative few murdering sociopaths and psychopaths out there. Until about 40 years ago they were being treated and many of the most violent were locked away while undergoing treatment.

Lead by Ronald Reagan, political hacks closed the mental health institutions. Those mentally ill people are now on the street. Yep, they took mental cases, thorazined their butts, declared them behavioral cases and chunked them into prisons. Now US society is paying the price.

Kids and others have been killed because of the "lizard people" conspiracy and other such trash. A young child died while undergoing exorcism. One man went down the QANON rabbit hole and murdered his kids because they had "serpent DNA". Lori Vallow Daybell murdered her kids because they were "evil".

A distant cousin of mine murdered her baby in the 1940s and died in an asylum.
USA population has more than doubled since 1950. 150 + million to now just under 340 million.

1950 murder rate - 5.1 per 100,000
Murder rate spiked in the 80’s close to 10 per 100,000 then dropped. Settling between 5 and a little over 6 since 2002.

So, close to the same murder rate, more than double the population = twice as many murders.

There has always been a percentage of society that has no respect for life, and I suspect there always will be.
I think that the this aberrant behavior has always been there. But the population was a lot less years ago plus the news didn’t spread as fast either. But as the population grew so does the number of aberrant people too. That ratio or percentage stays the same but as the population grows so do the bad ones too. As notes with the internet and faster news the stories spread faster and the copycats come out of the woodwork too.
I live in Baltimore, Maryland.

I don't have a television by choice. I looked at the local newspaper this morning on my way out of 7-11.

The front page story was about a woman in Essex, Baltimore County that was arrested Wednesday night after being pulled over for speeding on a "Routine Traffic Stop".

No driver's license. No insurance.

Cops were ready to let her find her way home, as they were arranging to have the car towed. Woman was running her mouth bragging about how she was going to be famous by the next day. The officers let her open the trunk to retrieve some belongings.

She hastily removed several items, and was trying to cover something up with a blanket when they discovered the bodies of her 7 year old niece, and 5 year old nephew because of the smell from decomposition. Both dead for some time. Niece weighed 21 pounds, and the nephew weighed 14 pounds.

Both suffering from malnutrition, and starvation. Pitiful excuses for why & how they were killed/died.

She had custody because her sister was deemed unfit to take care of her own children.

Woman is obviously a sociopath, because she has no feelings for anyone but herself.

I have been pondering the seemingly greater & greater number of these ABERRANT types of behaviors here in the United States. The first that comes to my mind is the Texas School Depository shooter. The next that I can recall is the Chicago Nine Nurses, of which 8 were killed. The 70's were full serial killers that I remember.Ted Bundy. Son of Sam. Charles Manson. Then, later came Jeffrey Dahmer, and Oklahoma City, and Ted Kaczynski and Columbine, and on, and on, and on, add infinitum.

My theory is that as our population keeps growing, the percentage of people who think aberrant, murderous thoughts, and act out on those thoughts; also keeps growing. Because, those aberrant, murderous people are around much longer today than in past decades/centuries because of the liberal laws of today. But, also because the larger the population becomes, the EASIER IT IS TO HIDE in that population. Thus, aberrant people can get away with being murderous far longer than they could in the small villages/towns of the past.

Where small town folks tended to take things into their own hands, and quickly dispose, legally & illegally, of people who acted in such ways and got caught.

If they are dead, then they can't send their aberrant genetic material into another generation to possibly breed a son/daughter that might act out like they did.
Really you live in Maryland too huh I don't live near Baltimore thank God but that city's a whole different animal....but folks nowadays are way worse than when I was growing up
Crimes against children, especially rape and sexual abuse of children, are rampant in the USA. Those rapists and molesters come from every walk of life. They all have one thing in common, they should be executed.

Child pornography prosecutions are sky high, again violators come from all walks of life.

This OK assistant prosecutor was charged with possession of child porn;

The federal prosecutor has the option of charging these child rape/molestation/kiddie porn cases. Some very long sentences are handed out in federal court.
Closing state hospitals was the start of this growth in unstable people being on the streets without supervision. The unbridled use of drugs and weed has also further messed up minds which also goes towards the widening spread of this crap.

Just about 100% of those that have done a mass shooting is a person that belongs in an institution, not on the streets, but our lovely lawmakers just can't seem to find ways to have these yahoos locked up.

I'm convinced that until something dire happens that actually happens to a lawmaker's family or children or grandchildren, by one of these deranged saps, nothing at all will ever begin to get done. The mass shootings and mindless killing is simply not hitting close enough to home with the lawmakers.

And it isn't only those committing violent crimes: look at those pricks that go into a grocery store or Target/Walmart and fill a cart with food or merchandise and then just walk out without paying for it and the stores allowing it to prevent a shooting. Here in my town there are 4 grocery stores that have armed, off-duty police officers at the exits to help stop this stuff. It seems that having the cops at the exits has pretty much put an end to the theft in this town but how many places in the good old US cannot afford such a luxury. In most places the thieves know that nothing will be done. I think the laws need to be quietly, very quietly, changed so that these stores can shoot those stealing. That may send an appropriate message.
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