Simplest Lube Ever

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Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2005
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Water soluble oil [1 part] to 3 parts Dawn] dish soap.
Mix it together and it makes a waxy grease, apply with finger.
I used Rustlick WS-11 oil from NAPA.
Dawn it the Platinum Ultra.
I have used it or a version on 60 or more shots with my home made slugs with no leading.
Need a fast easy lube, give it a try.
Remember to use an over sized felt wad under them. 54 dia. in your 50 and so on.
From the MSDS

hydrotreated oil is veggy oil, the rest is secret.
We need to find a vegetable based water soluble oil. That you can buy a quart of.
WS-11 is available on line
Dawn mixes with:


1 part Water Soluble Oil [ Rustlick WS-11 ] to, 2 and 3 parts Dawn.[3 seems better]

Watco Satin Liquid wax mixes well

Carnauba Paste Car Wax needs to be heated, need to try liquid Carnauba


Peanut oil

Castor oil

Synthetic two stroke, Husky Brand

Stihl synthetic

Blue Grease

Mineral oil

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When I say mix, I mean react and harden into a wax like paste.
Water soluble oil [1 part] to 3 parts Dawn] dish soap.
Mix it together and it makes a waxy grease, apply with finger.
I used Rustlick WS-11 oil from NAPA.
Dawn it the Platinum Ultra.
I have used it or a version on 60 or more shots with my home made slugs with no leading.
Need a fast easy lube, give it a try.
Recipe given here is intended for those that clean their barrels in a submerged water bucket or sink filled with water.

If you don't and use barrel cleaners on a 2-1/2 - 3" patch to run up & down your barrel, the thickened Dawn soap remnants will eventually accumulate in your land & grooves.

I recommend all patch & ball shooters use a wired brush, instead of a jag to clean. Don't turn that barrel into a smoothbore.

I've purchased roundball guns from shooters who claimed the gun lost all of it's accuracy over the years. I cleaned those barrels properly and the guns became fine shooters again.
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Can you give amount of each?

Sorry, had notifications turned off and never saw...

You need to experiment, your local temperature range will be your guide for the most part.... 50/50 wax and Crisco w/o lanolin holds up well in VERY hot Florida summer but is too hard I think for most of hunting season (though October can be quite warm here it won't be mid to high 90s) .... I need to try either with something that will be liquid at room temp to cut the beeswax (veg oil) or just reducing the wax content to 25% and seeing how it does in cooler/cold weather. Have not yet acquired lanolin to test, but when I do I'll wait until I have a good oil/wax ratio figured out and then make a batch and separate into small containers (1 cup each?) and try a few different amounts. Easy enough to alter by adding more lube or lanolin. It doesn't take a lot - for a cup I'd probably try a table spoon to start and then maybe in 1/2 or whole table spoon steps

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