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Mar 22, 2016
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When is this insanity going to stop? I was just doing a search for BH209 and the prices I'm seeing are nuts. $85-$95 for an 8 ounce canister!
Let's see; $90 for 8 oz at 70 grs a shot = 3500/70=50 charges, $90/50=$1.80 a shot just for powder! Now I love how it performs in my Knight Moutaineer but it was bad enough when I paid $75 for 8 oz I'll be damned if I'm going to give them this much money for it. It's cheaper to go smokeless and pay about $50 for a full pound of powder. If you shoot a lot it wouldn't take long to make up for your investment into a smokeless.
This is nothing but pure greed by Hodgdon/Western Powders. There is no way n 8 oz canister should cost more than $30-$40 in today's market.
Once my supply is exhausted I'm going with T7, even with the crud ring. I can work around that easy enough.
When is this insanity going to stop? I was just doing a search for BH209 and the prices I'm seeing are nuts. $85-$95 for an 8 ounce canister!
Let's see; $90 for 8 oz at 70 grs a shot = 3500/70=50 charges, $90/50=$1.80 a shot just for powder! Now I love how it performs in my Knight Moutaineer but it was bad enough when I paid $75 for 8 oz I'll be damned if I'm going to give them this much money for it. It's cheaper to go smokeless and pay about $50 for a full pound of powder. If you shoot a lot it wouldn't take long to make up for your investment into a smokeless.
This is nothing but pure greed by Hodgdon/Western Powders. There is no way n 8 oz canister should cost more than $30-$40 in today's market.
Once my supply is exhausted I'm going with T7, even with the crud ring. I can work around that easy enough.
I wouldn't pay that kinda money for BH if I'd won half a billion in the lottery. It's the principle of it. This is what happens when a corporation has a monopoly on their product. I guess Western Powders wasn't greedy like Hogdon.I can remember buying BH at Cabelas for $28. All of Hogdon's excuses were never anything but a bunch of phony bull. Sometimes ranting feels so good.
The insanity stops when the product sits on the shelf in the store. I reminded my buddy the other day when he picked up two over priced reloading components that he really didn't need. I told him, don't be part of the problem. I have seen his reloading room , it rivals most shops in the northeast and he has primers too!! 😀
Part of the insanity is continuing to post threads about how insane something costs that's already been beat to death.
Well Tom it seems I'm not the only one that feels this way. Yes its been discussed before but the price continues to go up and it won't stop until we stop buying it. All I'm saying is that it is pure greed. All smokeless powders have gone up but bh209 not only raised its priced but cut the amount in the canisters in half. T7 will give almost equal velocities with the charges I use so I see no advantage except for a thinner wallet.
My opinion is buy it if you want and watch prices continue to rise or boycott it and watch the prices drop.
The answer is simple: don't buy it if you think it costs too much. Whining about it over and over again with new posts is simply taking space away from worthwhile posting. Boycott it if you think that will drive the price down. That's not likely. Hodgdon wants to make money and if something won't sell, they'll drop it because they could care less if you shoot blackhorn or not..
The answer is simple: don't buy it if you think it costs too much. Whining about it over and over again with new posts is simply taking space away from worthwhile posting. Boycott it if you think that will drive the price down. That's not likely. Hodgdon wants to make money and if something won't sell, they'll drop it because they could care less if you shoot blackhorn or not..
That's exactly my point Tom. They're greedy. They don't care about our sport. Only their bottom line. Its not whining just expressing my opinion. It would be considered whining if BH209 was my only option but thankfully its not.
I'd rather go smokeless like I have. For those that say it ain't worth it I just ran some numbers. At present cost I can shoot my smokeless with 58 gr of H4198 or N120 at $40 a lb. for $.33 a shot, 70 gr of bh209 will be $1.80 a shot (powder only). That's a difference of $1.47 per shot. My CVA Scout conversion was just about $800. It will only take me less that 550 shots to make up that $800. I can do that in a just a few months.
George I understand your need for all that bh and happy you had the foresight to buy when you did.
I like how these threads seem to turn into a “blackhorn measuring contest.” 🤣

For the record - I’m not sure I want the gubermint knowing how much BH209 I have….lol
lol........... They know already. You'd be surprised at how many DNR, wildlife and law enforcement officers monitor this site, along with most all other sites related to firearms of any kind.
Hankins and his 4,000fps monster muzzleloader ruined smokeless for some states, including MI.
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