Do Dogs Go To Heaven?

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Bad behavior from our furry children comes not from them but from bad humans. I often dream of having my long-gone furry face lickers come back to visit me.
I remember when my son was a young teenager and my wife was a volunteer at an animal shelter. My wife came back from the shelter obviously distressed. It seems that a family abuser could no longer get the response he wanted when he abused his girl friend and her kids. So, he picked up the kids' 11 week old kitten and threw it against the wall just to get the shock and awe he wanted to see. The kitten was in a full leg and hip cast when it arrived at the shelter. My son heard the story and asked:"Dad, can we go "talk" to this guy in private? Maybe we can convince him about the error of his ways." At this time he was an ice hockey player and just beginning his activities as a mixed martial arts fighter.
I had to explain that it would have to be law enforcement people who would "talk" to him. This incident contributed, I believe, to my son's later career in law enforcement. To this day he despises animal and people abusers.
The photo is my son, his wife and Gordy, our late dog.4-10-11 Jess Charise Gordy1 eyemdsmallersm.jpg
Misread your remark Hanshi, thought it said "Wherever chickens go, that's where dogs go. Nuff said!"

Be allot of running on both sides. :cheers:
