Be cautious

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Apr 15, 2014
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Be cautious of your friends and neigbors.Yesterday at opening day of deer season for guns here in Indiana was an excitng and frustraded day.All during bow season I had pattered a beautiful 12 point buck but never could get him less than 80 yards.I knew at 50 yds I could get him,but he did not get that big for nothing.So yesterday 45 minutes before legal shooting light I snuck into my ground I had built along the edge of a cut corn field where he came out morning or evening.At approximately 8: 15 a.m. here he came out.He came all the way from 300 yard to within 125 yards in front of my blind.I placed the cross hairs of my scope on his front shoulder and squeezed the trigger.At his reaction I knew he had been hit good.He jumped a 3 foot fence and ran into the woods behind me.To shorten the story he landed on the property butted up to the private land I hunt on.I have known the owner 40-50 years and we grew up as friends and he always said we could recover a deer that ran on his property.Well when I got to my deer I saw where 2 men had my deer and were field dressing him and a tag on him.After a heated conversation with them I called the game warren and he came out and heard both of out stories.The guys argued they shot the deer and was on their property.The owner said yes he gave us permission to recover the deer but HIS nephew swore he had shot the deer.So since he had a tag on it and field dressed it,the deer went to him.After the game warren left I verbally told the owner what I really thought and that they were deer thieves and not a hunter in my book.Needless to say that ended what I thought was a life long friend ship.At myage I won;t get a chance at a buck like that again.As they say be:wall: careful who your friends are.Now I have to pull the knife out of my back he stabbed me with!
The farm i hunt on has a neighbor like that. Very friendly in person but weve caught him hunting our property so many times, 100s of trail cam pics, he always denies its him. He has tagged 2 deer now that our club members shot that ran to his property. He has wounded and not recovered plenty of deer too. Worst version of a hunter/neighbor there is.
Be cautious of your friends and neigbors.Yesterday at opening day of deer season for guns here in Indiana was an excitng and frustraded day.All during bow season I had pattered a beautiful 12 point buck but never could get him less than 80 yards.I knew at 50 yds I could get him,but he did not get that big for nothing.So yesterday 45 minutes before legal shooting light I snuck into my ground I had built along the edge of a cut corn field where he came out morning or evening.At approximately 8: 15 a.m. here he came out.He came all the way from 300 yard to within 125 yards in front of my blind.I placed the cross hairs of my scope on his front shoulder and squeezed the trigger.At his reaction I knew he had been hit good.He jumped a 3 foot fence and ran into the woods behind me.To shorten the story he landed on the property butted up to the private land I hunt on.I have known the owner 40-50 years and we grew up as friends and he always said we could recover a deer that ran on his property.Well when I got to my deer I saw where 2 men had my deer and were field dressing him and a tag on him.After a heated conversation with them I called the game warren and he came out and heard both of out stories.The guys argued they shot the deer and was on their property.The owner said yes he gave us permission to recover the deer but HIS nephew swore he had shot the deer.So since he had a tag on it and field dressed it,the deer went to him.After the game warren left I verbally told the owner what I really thought and that they were deer thieves and not a hunter in my book.Needless to say that ended what I thought was a life long friend ship.At myage I won;t get a chance at a buck like that again.As they say be:wall: careful who your friends are.Now I have to pull the knife out of my back he stabbed me with!
Sounds like the game warden could have done more...Did the guys that had your deer have guns with them? Did they fire off a shot? It would be easy to tell if one of their guns was fired. Hard to kill a deer with a rifle that's not fired! Also, was there a blood trail from where you shot the deer on your property? There again easy to prove where the deer was shot if a blood trail was present.
I hope I never have to deal with this, sorry you did. I had a friend that told me basically the same story. He shot a nice buck, trailed it, and when he got to it there was another guy with his buck. This guy pointed his rifle at my friend an said it was his deer. My friend backed off and never hunted deer again after that.
What a world we live in....
Selfishness has always plagued the human condition.

A super abundance of laws were passed throughout the second half of the 20th Century, up until the present day, to supposedly make society as a whole safer.

In my opinion, all most of those laws have done is to allow all of those selfish people that previously would have been administered a good a** whipping for the type of behavior that your neighbor's nephew exhibited; to feel entitled to act out in any way that they feel like, whenever they feel like, without fearing any consequences for egregious behavior.

In our haste to right previous wrongs, and to protect segments of our society that previously had been discriminated against, we have passed into law all sorts of rules that have removed personal responsibility from everyday life.

Unless a person committs a felony that is witnessed & recorded on video, most people, including those of us who are tasked with administering our criminal justice system, seem to think that the vast majority of what are classified as misdemeanors/minor crimes should just be overlooked.

This is especially true if a person can claim to be a member, no matter how obscure or ridiculous the claim, of any minority group.

Then, even felonies are to be overlooked, excuses made, allowances given, totally bad behavior forgiven/forgotten, and increasingly, financially rewarded.
The guys said they had some one take their guns back to the truck.They did not want to track the deer with them.No blood trail due to where the rain was coming down pretty steady.I guess the game warden didnot want to stand around in the rain to find out the truth.Question?
What kind of satisfaction did they get knowing they did not kill the deer or actually have to hunt for it?Needless to say I am going to tell everyone exactly what they did and see how they feel about this.
The guys said they had some one take their guns back to the truck.They did not want to track the deer with them.No blood trail due to where the rain was coming down pretty steady.I guess the game warden didnot want to stand around in the rain to find out the truth.Question?
What kind of satisfaction did they get knowing they did not kill the deer or actually have to hunt for it?Needless to say I am going to tell everyone exactly what they did and see how they feel about this.
Yeah, if the warden had done some investigating he should have been able to find out the truth....Maybe the caliber of the rifle bullet or was that a pass through?
Matching the guns they had to yours?
It's too bad the neighbor is not a man of his word. In many states there is little the game warden can do when the wounded deer crosses the property line and someone claims it.

My favorite stand on a property i have permission to hunt is within 50 yards of the property line. The owner of the adjacent property allows no one on the place. i've killed numerous deer from that stand. High shoulder shots drop deer in their tracks.

Off Topic:

A property i own has a scoundrel, trespasser and charlatan for a neighbor. The scumbag shocked the neighbors fish ponds and poached deer year around. Game camera photos showed good bucks in August and September that disappeared before bow season. When caught trespassing the scumbag claimed he was "searching for lost cattle" with a gun for protection from hogs. The legislature changed the law. Cow hunters must obtain permission before entering private property. If the land owner refuses access the sheriff sometimes becomes involved.

Was locking the gate one day and an old man i never met before stopped to chat. He owned a large property to the east and he complained about the poacher. The old man had a crippled grand daughter who wanted to kill a nice buck. But the bucks were poached before season.

The old man said he thought the situation might change because he killed the poachers cows. That did stop the poaching. Now there's nice bucks in that area during deer season.
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The thing that pxxxes me off the most is that over a period of 33 years hunting this property(private) deer has ran over to his land and never before were there any issues.I guess the nephews is not as honorable as their uncle.I watched that deer since day 1 of bow season.Yesterday was the 1st day they were out.I think they were just waiting for something like that to happen.No,I never heard any gun shots from that area.Never saw any guns either.
Was there a blood trail from where you shot the buck? I've got a similar scenario on a couple of blocks I hunt where if it jumps the fence I can't get them. Hasn't happened yet thankfully.
I have witnessed some very unethical hunting practices from men that I thought were very ethical, truth is sometimes I think hunting deer can reveal a lot about who we are on the inside,, I do find that curious,,, I have personally witnessed friendships dissolve,, over the years as I've grown older I find that those that I want to hunt with maybe on one or two fingers that's sad,, I think many of us probably have close family members that we will not hunt with because of these issues I have a brother that I will not hunt with because of these realities I'm sure if any of you run hunting businesses or guide services you would have stories to tell,, probably not very good ones. I'm not referring to techniques of how we hunt but just the actual ethics of how we hunt. Is there a spiritual element to hunting?? An ethical soul revealing aspect? Perhaps,, does your hunting ethic mirror your personal moral code? I'm convinced that all of us realize human nature can really really suck,, but at the same time it can also really really shine!! I know one thing as I've gotten older I try to help other people as much as I can shoot the ,,quote trophy buck instead of myself,, I know I never want to shoot a deer that every time I show someone I have to lie about in some aspect,, how many of us out there that shot a great big buck on the edge of legalities and have showed that deer or pictures of that deer multiple times to people we've had to carry that lie it's just not worth it is it,, I would rather have a trophy conscience in a trophy buck.
know one thing as I've gotten older I try to help other people as much as I can shoot the ,,quote trophy buck instead of myself,, I know I never want to shoot a deer that every time I show someone I have to lie about in some aspect,, how many of us out there that shot a great big buck on the edge of legalities and have showed that deer or pictures of that deer multiple times to people we've had to carry that lie it's just not worth it is it,, I would rather have a trophy conscience in a trophy buck.


Yep, so called "hunters" pay $10,000 or more for the bragging rights to grotesque selectively bred deer shot at "hunting ranches".

In the 1960s i killed two eastern bucks that scored over 185 B&C. In 2008 and again in about 2013 i passed on truly awesome bucks because retrieving them from the rough terrain would have been a huge hassle requiring three or more helpers.

Just want to get out in nature and shoot a few meat deer for myself and others. Last day of 2020 deer gun season i sat in a lawn chair overlooking a game plot and watched a young buck that scored 170 B&C eat wheat for 20-25 minutes. That buck survived the 2021 muzzleloader season.
Be cautious of your friends and neigbors.Yesterday at opening day of deer season for guns here in Indiana was an excitng and frustraded day.All during bow season I had pattered a beautiful 12 point buck but never could get him less than 80 yards.I knew at 50 yds I could get him,but he did not get that big for nothing.So yesterday 45 minutes before legal shooting light I snuck into my ground I had built along the edge of a cut corn field where he came out morning or evening.At approximately 8: 15 a.m. here he came out.He came all the way from 300 yard to within 125 yards in front of my blind.I placed the cross hairs of my scope on his front shoulder and squeezed the trigger.At his reaction I knew he had been hit good.He jumped a 3 foot fence and ran into the woods behind me.To shorten the story he landed on the property butted up to the private land I hunt on.I have known the owner 40-50 years and we grew up as friends and he always said we could recover a deer that ran on his property.Well when I got to my deer I saw where 2 men had my deer and were field dressing him and a tag on him.After a heated conversation with them I called the game warren and he came out and heard both of out stories.The guys argued they shot the deer and was on their property.The owner said yes he gave us permission to recover the deer but HIS nephew swore he had shot the deer.So since he had a tag on it and field dressed it,the deer went to him.After the game warren left I verbally told the owner what I really thought and that they were deer thieves and not a hunter in my book.Needless to say that ended what I thought was a life long friend ship.At myage I won;t get a chance at a buck like that again.As they say be:wall: careful who your friends are.Now I have to pull the knife out of my back he stabbed me with!
I lost a nice deer years ago to two thieves who grabbed it up and dragged it to their truck without even cleaning it out, before I could catch them. I reported it to the local warden and he surveilled them the next night and caught them for night hunting. They wound up in jail, lost their guns and their truck. Wife (out of state) had to make bail for them. Karma
Over my lifetime I have heard many stories of unethical hunters. My experience has been mostly pleasant. Enjoying other hunters stories and experiences while afield. The main catalyst that I believe fueled the problem we see today was the invent of trophy hunting. Where I live, many years ago, the local sporting goods store decided to give away a Jeep to the biggest buck brought in. An effort to bolster their business. This was the end of deer hunting and the beginning of competitive sport hunting. For material gain in the beginning. Now it has more to do with bragging rights. What authority do we have to brag about an animal that lost it's life to give us life. Hunting has lost it's meaning and intent over the years. It's all about what's on the wall not what's in the heart. I remember my father on countless occasions telling me: "You can't eat the horns boy." His joy was in feeding his family and the experiences he gained along the way. I cherish those moments spent with my father and those that loved hunting and the outdoors. My dad and I would spend the lazy part of the day sitting in the grass on the mountain staring at the beauty of this planet and talking about nature and life. THAT is hunting and the outdoor experience.