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Well-Known Member
Dec 7, 2016
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My stuffer crapped out on me with 15 pounds of stick meat yet to stuff. I'm waiting on the grandson to get home so I can run up to grab his. Damn, This has been a great stuffer. It started to bind at about 13 pounds thru a 50 pound batch of meat so I stopped and took it apart and cleaned the heck out of everything, gave it a grease job and put it all back together. I didn't have any other issues until about pound 15. Then it bound up and man did it bind tight. I found a screw shaft bushing half there and a wear pattern in the body of the stuffer frame where the bushing would have been. Things were working off center and finally decided to balk. I've been sitting here trying to figure out how many hundreds of pounds of sausage I have stuffed with the thing. The bushing must have been about ready to split when I cleaned the unit and I just didn't see it. Now I don't know if it's more feasible to buy a new one or order parts. I'm thinking new. Maybe a size larger.

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