LOOK OUT !!!!!

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Long Range Shooter
Supporting member
Dec 4, 2009
Reaction score
Imagine this......
You and the wife are coming back from town just taking it easy on a really nice day. We're within a couple miles of home, I'm driving about 45mph and we're just enjoying the ride.
We pass a field that we've passed probably thousands of times and many times we see all sorts of critters out there. Driving slow, I just glance out into the field.
Now the wife on the other hand, she was watching the road. Probably a good thing

Up the road probably 200 or 250yds, two fawns crossed. Now I had just glanced momentarily at that field.

LOOK OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Someone hollers.

Now if you have any common sense at all, you know exactly what I did because you'd have done the same darn thing. SLAM ON THE BRAKES!!!
Yup, the anti-lock brakes worked, the seat belts worked and there was a little screeching of the tires. I'm searching all over around the truck for whatever I evidently just missed hitting.
That's when I was told, 'I didn't want you to hit those fawns.'
200 to 250yds away????????

Back to coming home..... we had went to town to get more softener salt. We're stocking up not because of any shortage, but once I get this knee replaced, it couldn't be carried down the steps.
So guess where the 6 bags of softener salt are in the back of my truck????
Make sure you thank your wife. I wish someone had pointed out a deer a couple hundred yards away for me last Tuesday. One of the blasted critters sacrificed itself to customize the front end of my car.


  • Lexus v deer.jpg
    Lexus v deer.jpg
    107.1 KB · Views: 1
I had a doe and fawn come down off a bank in front of me couple days ago. I slowed down and stopped when she went into my lane. The fawn went further up, I knew it would follow momma. When the other side of traffic stopped the fawn came down and they crossed safely. No accidents no one hurt.
Make sure you thank your wife. I wish someone had pointed out a deer a couple hundred yards away for me last Tuesday. One of the blasted critters sacrificed itself to customize the front end of my car.
Know the feeling. This was my last one while pulling 11,000lbs of 5th wheel.

Make sure you thank your wife. I wish someone had pointed out a deer a couple hundred yards away for me last Tuesday. One of the blasted critters sacrificed itself to customize the front end of my car.
Two weeks ago one decided to crash the passenger's side of my Corvette. Couldn't run into my cheap transportation.

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