What kind of stuff do you all read?

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I've read at least one "longmire" series books and maybe a couple of the Mike Bowditch novels. The Bowditch books are great but I thought the TV series "Longmire" was much better than the books.
I read "Guns, Germs and Steel," Jared Diamond. Fascinating work. Best seller and Pulitzer Prize. Why did some societies build large technological civilizations and some stayed primitive. It is not about biological differences. It is about geography and agriculture that came from that.

Why that the Aztec/Inca societies were invaded by Spain instead of why did they not invade Spain?

Get started reading and you will not put it down!

I was really never a reader but I used to read a lot of hunting and shooting mags. Being a hunter safety instructor I receive a subscription to PA Game News. I page thru it and read a story or two and the field notes but thats about it. I spend my spare time on these forums and when we retire for the evening I read a couple chapters of the Bible. I've read the NT a few times but lately I've been concentrating on the OT. i know all the usual stories but when you read them and study them you get a better understanding of how God works and how the OT is tied into the new.
Did you know that Jesus fulfilled over 300 prophecies from the OT? The odds of one person fulfilling only 8 of them is astronomical but Jesus fulfilled over 300!