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Well-Known Member
Dec 8, 2020
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A guy at work didnt tag out this rifle season..1 reason his pump 760 reminton was,nt fully shut foward into battery. and lost his chance when the gun didnt fire.DUH. Then today the day b4 muzzleloading season started ,,he was looking me up because he knows that i know of what to do and recomend and having shot B.P. For years and sold years ago all the different things that go to muzzleloaders in a store that i discontinued as B.P was my greatest funnest thing to do and sell.SO he had gotten his hands on a optima from his grandfather that never shot it only a few times and since passed away. he wanted 3 209 primers and 3 powerbelts asking me if i had any.HE never shot this gun .nor knew anything about the care and maintainance and didnt have a range rod or a extension to ad onto his field rod underneath in the gun.CANT imagine. Reminds me of years ago,when muzzleloading deer season first started..that spring about 90% of the guns were junked from NO maintainance.
I like knowing what the gun and myself are capable of before hunting said gun. Its amazing how many muzzleloaders there are for sale within a month of the close of the muzzleloader deer season here. I think about 50% of the guns for sale are due to hunting when its cold. So many people today just don't know how to be in the cold and still function. The other 50% are just plain lazy.
Sounds like a lot of us have had similar experiences! 🤠

I remember being in a Gander Mountain store, the night before Muzzleloader season. There was a guy buying a “clamshell” muzzleloading rifle package, along with powder and primers.

Yep, you guessed it- heading out in the morning, “gonna shoot a big ‘un!” Sadly, I think he was serious… 😳

Either that, or maybe (hopefully!) he’s still laughing about pulling the wool over my eyes… 🤞
Had a buddy call me from wally world once, wanting to know what bullets to get since he was out. I asked what he was shooting prior, he had no idea -type or weight. I asked what they had in stock, and recommended the best option... told him he HAD to sight it in to see where they shot. He said, NAH... it will be close enough. 🤦‍♂️
Had a buddy call me from wally world once, wanting to know what bullets to get since he was out. I asked what he was shooting prior, he had no idea -type or weight. I asked what they had in stock, and recommended the best option... told him he HAD to sight it in to see where they shot. He said, NAH... it will be close enough. 🤦‍♂️
Did he call you after he missed a deer, to tell you it was your fault?
I had a guy call me from a tree stand asking me why his cva wolf wouldnt fire and theres deer still under him.I think he thought i was physic and Could remote veiw his

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