More Gun Control on the way...IMPORTANT!!!!

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Keep Shooting Muzzleloaders - They are a Blast
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May 19, 2005
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Bronco 22000 posted this on H Net a few minutes ago I am bringing it over here also - I personally do not know how factual this is but it goes right along with what most of us are expecting....

Here is his post....

Lets get moving and send emails to your representatives and senators.


From my cold dead hands........

Blair Holt Firearm Licensing & Record of Sale Act (2-16-09)

Very Important for you to be aware of a new bill HR 45 introduced into the House.

This is the Blair Holt Firearm Licensing & Record of Sale Act of 2009.

We just learned yesterday about this on the Peter Boyles radio program.

Even gun shop owners didn't know about this because it is flying under the radar.

To find out about this - go to any government website and type in HR 45 or Google HR 45 Blair Holt Firearm Licensing & Record of Sales Act of 2009. You will get all the information.

Basically this wo uld make it illegal to own a firearm - any rifle with a clip or ANY pistol unless:

?It is registered
?You are fingerprinted
?You supply a current Driver's License
?You supply your Social Security #
?You will submit to a physical & mental evaluation at any time of their choosing
?Each update - change or ownership through private or public sale must be reported and costs $25 - Failure to do so you automatically20lose the right to own a firearm and are subject up to a year in jail.
?There is a child provision clause on page 16 section 305 stating a child-access provision. Gun must be locked and inaccessible to any child under 18.

They would have the right to come and inspect that you are storing your gun safely away from accessibility to children and fine is punishable for up to 5 yrs. in prison.

If you think this is a joke - go to the website and take your pick of many options to read this. It is long and lengthy. But, more and more people are becoming aware of this. Pass the word along. Any hunters in your family - pass this along.

Peter Boyles is on this and having guests. Listen to him on KHOW 630 a.m. in the morning. He suggests the best way to fight this is to tell all your friends about it and "spring into action". Also he suggests we all join a pro-gun group like the Colorado Rifle Association, hunting associations, gun clubs and especially the NRA.

This is just a "termite" approach to complete confiscation of guns and disarming of our society to the point we have no defense - chip away a little here and there until the goal is accomplished before anyone realizes it.

This is one to act on whether you own a gun or not.

If you take my gun, only the criminal will have one to use against me. HR 45 only makes me/us less safe. After working with convicts for 26 years I know this bill, if passed, would make them happy and in less danger from their victims.
WOW!!!! :shock: :shock:

If THIS doesn't get your attention...NOTHING WILL!!! This is the SCARIEST legislation I have EVER seen!


Who VOTED for these people????

Thanks Pete for bring this to our attention!!!


I've wrote my congressmen and senators and expressed my feeling on how I feel about more gun legislation. I also advised them that future election support would be judged on how they handle such issues. I was assured that they do not support new gun legislation, but like all political figures, their word is often times not their bond.

So contact those that represent you. Tell them you're fed up with new legislation aimed at gun control. Tell them to enforce the laws currently on the books and stop dealing the gun part of the crime away for district attorney's statistic sheets.

Well I'll be shooting off more emails to my congressmen and senators... Luckily we have very good representation in TN.

Geeze, I feel as of late I email them more than I do anyone else.
As this bill reads, you're actually talking about violating TWO constitutional rights.

No chance in hell of this thing ever making it before congress.
Blair Holt Firearm Licensing & Record of Sale Act (2-16-

Holy smokes you guys. This is like jumping back to the 1980's in Canada when we first started all this crap. Word for word. One extra thing that we don't have is having to give a thumb print. Bet-ya, on the give and take of passing this legislation they will let the thumb print requirement be removed so the votes will go for the rest of the bill. deja vu! :cry:
Look, I'm not suggesting that we have nothing to worry about. We have to continue to fight for our freedoms every day.

I'm just stating that THIS specific bill does not have a snow ball's chance in hell of ever seeing the floor. It doesn't even have any cosponsors.

Could that change in 2 yrs, 5 yrs, 10 yrs? You bet, but the sky is not falling just yet.
Look, I'm not suggesting that we have nothing to worry about

All very true. Know what the Canadian government said about all our neg. votes? I am talking thousands of negative petitions. They said the 'silent majority' of Canadian taxpayers want the gun laws passed. In other words, it made no difference there were no 'PRO' petitions filed. They said there were 6 million (a number out of my toque) against gun control. The population of Canada is 30 million therefore 24 million must be in favor. IF there was 16 million votes back when against gun control the government would have said 2 million were mis-informed and meant to say yes. The Canadian gun control law was going to pass no matter what the voter said, wanted or demanded.

I think the U.S. gun owner is up against the same kind of number manipulation.

Don't hate the messenger!
gun control

Issues of this type and importance should never be left up to politicians. It should be left to the people's vote. THe stimulis bill should have also been put to a vote. In this age of communication, voting on items of this importantance would be easy and it would be the will of the majority, I could abide by that. Things of this magnitude can not be left to untrustworthy men. Anybody think they are honest? Look at the lard in the bill.
For my money I don't think a single politician in office now should ever be elected again. They were on watch and failed. Most are corrupt. Lehman BRO'S is a perfect example. Bonus's My butt, it was pure thievery
This sucks and it's sad to see our laws are coming to this. But you're naive if you actually think writing to your representatives is going to do any good at all. They don't give a hoot what you think or how you feel. All they care about is what's going to get them elected in the future. And if there are more moderates or liberals that want stricter gun laws, then these so-called representatives are going to legislate in their favor rather than yours. All you can hope for is that people like us (gun people) make up the majority in your state. Otherwise, your opinions are going to fall on deaf ears.

But I applaud you guys who are taking time to at least try to get their attention. :)
SWThomas said:
This sucks and it's sad to see our laws are coming to this. But you're naive if you actually think writing to your representatives is going to do any good at all. They don't give a hoot what you think or how you feel. All they care about is what's going to get them elected in the future. And if there are more moderates or liberals that want stricter gun laws, then these so-called representatives are going to legislate in their favor rather than yours. All you can hope for is that people like us (gun people) make up the majority in your state. Otherwise, your opinions are going to fall on deaf ears.

But I applaud you guys who are taking time to at least try to get their attention. :)

Just because Lindsay Graham doesn't have a spine doesn't mean the others don't. Our Representatives and Senators are very responsive to their constituents. The good ones listen. How many times have you sit and talked on the phone w/yours? Zach Wamp and Lamar Alexander both have talked with me and listened to my opinion.

The point is, sitting back doing nothing and hoping for the best is not what this country was built on.
i also live in canada and know what koot is talking about, the gov at the time had a justice minister {his name is allan rock}that had a ajenda to get rid of all guns here,i think it was just after the shooting of some collage girls in montreal the gunman killed 18 or 19 girls before killing himself.rock took this oppertunity to put the bill forward that ended up costing us billions of dollars and instantly making criminals out of other wise law abiding people.
we now have a gov that has promised to abolish this huge waste of the tax payers dollars but at the moment are unable to do so because they are in a minority position and don't have the votes,also the economic disaster on both sides of the 49th. is a larger concern for them
i hope it turns out better for you than it did us
Well folk, I agree and disagree. Politicians arnt generally know to be that honest.

I believe that the strongest weapon that we have to secure our future as hunters and gun owners, is to get more people involved. More young people and our own children. We need our voting populace to be a stronger voice than it is. Much stronger. And that is going to mean that we have to get our sons and daughters involved. And their friends. Show them what it means to shoot, to hunt and to love what we do and the animals that we harvest. If they realise how much we love both the sport and our harvest they will think differently of the sport.

I see a reduction in the numbers of hunters in Canada. It saddens me. The future of game conservation and hunting go hand in hand. I come from Africa. There would be no game left in Africa where it not for the money that Hunting and tourism bring to the continent. But in Africa they understand this point and condone hunting. Even the government, and their spokes people. They dont just condone it. They support and promote it. The same cannot be said for Canada or from what I read the USA. Hunting is the strongest solution to the long term conservation efforts of any country.

Animals are protected from hunters. We are allocated the ammount of game that we are allowed to harvest. It is monitored and controlled. Stop hunting, and gun ownership and that protection will no longer be neccesary and or affordable. Hunters in Canada pay their own way. All of our money goes into conservation and wildlife management. Billions of $ annually. Take that away and the animals are gone. Because we cant afford to protect them.

The indigenous people in Canada thrive off hunting. They are totally dependant in some cases on hunting and the resources and income that this brings to them. Stop hunting and the affect would be far worse than climate change.

The move to get folk to join your NRA is a good one. Lobbyist can visibly judge the size of that vote. Our children and their friends have much to lose if people like you are stopped from loving this sport. So too unfortunately do the animals that live in our countries. The game that we harvest have more to fear from the "silent majority" than they do of us.

Speak out. People like 6x6, blackpowder, sabot hunter, paia, etc etc these folk have voices and reason and it is abvious how they feel about our sport and the love of it because like most on this site they share that passion and knowledge with people like me.

We are every one of us an ambassador. For our sport and the animals that we conserve and harvest. Speak out people. Set the right example and take a young person hunting at every opportunity.

And at the end of the day if the price that you have to pay to remain hunters and shooters and gun owners is registration then that is a lot more acceptable than not being able to shoot or hunt at all. Provided the funds are used to conserve our natural resources and heritage. I say that in sincerity. The money that comes from registration should have to go to conservation. It would be a visible show of our strength and the fiscal power that we have as a group of voters.
Yes, HR 45 was introduced the first day of this session. It is a scary bill, as the gun haters have noticed they get voted out when they ban guns, but "reasonable licenses" may not be so bad. This goes a long way to change the way things are done. One sneaky little subsection even changes the previous law to allow a federal gun registry, but only mentions the code number, hoping nobody would know what it is. The NRA has been working on this with Congressmen from day one and posted information for us on the NRA-ILA site right after it was introduced. It may not get too far in its current form, but hey, you throw enough at the wall, something is going to stick!
tnhagies said:
SWThomas said:
This sucks and it's sad to see our laws are coming to this. But you're naive if you actually think writing to your representatives is going to do any good at all. They don't give a hoot what you think or how you feel. All they care about is what's going to get them elected in the future. And if there are more moderates or liberals that want stricter gun laws, then these so-called representatives are going to legislate in their favor rather than yours. All you can hope for is that people like us (gun people) make up the majority in your state. Otherwise, your opinions are going to fall on deaf ears.

But I applaud you guys who are taking time to at least try to get their attention. :)

Just because Lindsay Graham doesn't have a spine doesn't mean the others don't. Our Representatives and Senators are very responsive to their constituents. The good ones listen. How many times have you sit and talked on the phone w/yours? Zach Wamp and Lamar Alexander both have talked with me and listened to my opinion.

The point is, sitting back doing nothing and hoping for the best is not what this country was built on.

That's great that they will talk with you like that. But in the end, they're just going to tell you what you want to hear and do their own thing anyway. It's called politics.

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