Maryland Buck

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Well-Known Member
Sep 26, 2006
Reaction score
Let me see if I can figure out how to upload pics. I'm attaching two pics of the buck I shot last saturday in maryland.

Can't figure out how to upload directly.. :?
Getting you picture here is not too tough. First you need a picture host. There are several. I use photobucket. You down load your picture there. Then you use the URL here. Hope this helps. Other here may be able to describe the proceedure more elequantly.

Wow, nice deer! :shock:
That is a beautiful deer you got there.. congratulations.

It appears those Charles county deer grow large horns. The deer population is not liking the T/C pro hunters this year. Nice buck.

two still out there

There are still two nice bucks that frequent my hunting area that should make it through to late season muzzleloader. There's an 8 point with stickers still out there; as well as, a smaller 8. See link, the latter pictures show the deer as taken by my cuddeback. The date/time is screwed up. Forgot to reset the clock after putting new batteries in. The first pictures show the deer my dad shot first day of PA gun season. It's his best deer.
Road kill???

Dear Ultratec00,

At first I thought you hit that deer with your truck and it just happened
to land in the bed of your truck. :lol:

Just get the other 8 point as there is still plenty of muzzleloading time left.

Congrats on the very nice buck! I've been hearing a lot of noise out of Maryland this year, sleeper state, I'm thinking.
Not sure about others, but I could not see the pic without directly accessing the link. I took the liberty of rehosting the pic in case anyone else was experiencing the same issue.

