Hog Hunting Tips

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Jan 29, 2020
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As a former New Englander, I have zero experience hunting wild hogs. My wife and I retired last year and relocated to southern Oklahoma to be nearer to our son, daughter-in-law and our 2 year old grand daughter.
Lots of hogs around the area where we live and they like to tear up my yard every chance they get.
I've gotten permission from our neighbor to hunt on they're 160 acres. Whenever I get the chance to hunt, I've been out there using the same tactics I use while deer hunting. Still-hunting, stand hunting, etc. Should I be doing anything different? Any tips would be a big help.
I agree with Herschel. A timed feeder filled with corn is a relatively cheap plan to increase your odds. Near the edge of the thickest nastiest part of the property but that you can get to easily/quietly and be upwind of the feeder. I’ve used tree stands and blinds - whatever is easier for you. Head or neck shots so you’re not tracking them back into that thick nasty stuff, plus it saves the shoulders for more of that delicious crockpot pulled pork!! Good luck and can’t wait to see some success pics!
Depending on how thick the brush is still hunting is fun during the day. In Florida where the palmetto plants grow thick we walk (stalk) into the wind of course. Keep a pocket full of stones because the brush will hide them but you can hear them snort and grunt. We can get within 10-15 yards on a breezy day. Toss the stones in the opposite direction from where you want the pigs to move. When they hear the noise they will get up and start moving away from the noise. Maybe a foot or maybe more. Most often a second stone is needed.

We usually toss the stones so the pigs come parrallel to us. . Be ready.
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Timed corn feeders is how we did it in Texas. If it was hot in the afternoon we could shoot them around water tanks and creek banks where there is a wallow. Good luck to you !!.
Timed Corn feeders works for me also. I found though trail and error that more is better than less. If the timer runs once a day put it on 20 seconds to put out enough to get them interested and returning.
Check out youtube! Seen were guys are staking out five gallon buckets or small poly barrels with lids. Small hole for corn to dibble out. They bat it around with there nose to get the corn out! Use swivels so the bucket can roll around. Sounds like great fun and a freezer full of pork! Oh put cameras out to see when they come into feed. Might have to set your alarm clock! LOL