First Bow Harvest

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Aug 29, 2009
Reaction score
Went out deer hunting. Shortly after first light, this critter makes a noise to my left as he sneeks through the grass. I think to myself 'alright deer, but that is too close' :shock: I slowly move my head to the left and see this guy staring at me. :shock: :shock: I am wearing my ghille suit and sitting next to a cedar tree but his sharp eyes spot me easily. He does an about face and crosses to my right 20 yards out. I make a quick squeaking sound with my mouth and stop him. The arrow flys and rolls him over with a spine shot. My first yote and bowkill. :D


Got him all skinned out and will most likely try tanning the hide myself. My mom remodeled an upstairs room in a western theme and would love a coyote hide.

What are you going to use to tan the hide? I use stuff called Curetan and it worked real well on deer.

Congratulations on that yote. They are hard enough to take with a rifle. So doing it with the bow is a real accomplishment.
Man that's awesome, good shooting! Think of all the fawns you saved by taking that critter out of the line up.

We should figure out a way to give "stars" for predator and invasive species kills especially with a bow.

Post a few pics when your done with the hide. Good shootin' with your bow :drinkers:

Ray.............. :wink:
Taking that yot at 20 yards means one thing........deer in your area are in serious trouble! Congrats.