Big Doe Down...

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flint head

Well-Known Member
Dec 17, 2005
Reaction score

BDD... :lol: Well, what's a SC Bowhunter to do. 120lb Doe, Bear Lights Out, and a Ultimate Steel 100g broadhead. I actually made a bad/good shot (it was pretty dark when I shot). The arrow hit the deer a little too far forward,,, it busted the front shoulder but lodged in the shoulder knuckle of the off shoulder leaving no blood trail. Got lucky and walked up on her about 75 yards from where she was shot... had pretty pink bubbles comming out the hole though.

By the way, if your wondering why this picture of me looks so crazy, it's because a limb all most knocked my eye out on the 4-wheeler and by the time I found the deer and got to the processor's those boys had gotten pretty deep into the cold beer and they were my photographer's... 8)
Congrats! I can't wait to try it myself someday. My son shot his first deer with a bow a few weeks ago. Bowhunting, a big doe down, and cold can't get much better than that!
Hey Flint!!

THAT should be some nice eating!!! Yum

Just wondering how you like the bow?
:D :D :D

CONGRATS are in order :!: :!: :!: Just remember me when you put those tender back straps on the bbq :!: :!: :!:
Thanks guys!

I got to tell ya, I have owned enough bows over the years to buy another home... but the little Bear really shoots as good or better than any bow I have ever owned. Very smooth, very quite, and pretty darn accurate for such a short axle to axle.

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