Be darn sure of your target.

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Not me. They are from Ohio.

Long post so stick with me, but we’ve gotten so many texts and calls, I figured it was time. I’ve went back and forth about making a post, but decided to take all of this as hopefully a learning experience for everyone out there hunting.
Saturday night Zack and I decided to go turkey hunting. We had planned to get up at 4am on Sunday and go, just like we do every year. Zack came in the bedroom to wake me up yesterday morning and I decided I was going to stay home because Blair had been up all night. Zack decided he was still going to go by himself (not something uncommon for him, we all know the guy loves his hunting and outdoors) around 8:40 yesterday I had just put my phone down and walked away and came back to two missed calls and a message saying “answer your phone, I just got shot” when I tell you my heart sank.. I cannot ever describe that feeling. I tried calling Zack back with no answer, I called Tammy and could tell by the sound in her voice that it was real, nobody had gotten to Zack yet. He finally called me back, all he could tell me was he had been shot in his face, shoulder and chest but couldn’t tell me how bad it was yet just that he was bleeding everywhere and was on his way down the hill where his dad already was. Zack was shot by a guy in a group of 3 guys at around 60 yards out because “they thought he was a turkey”
This mistake should NEVER happen, however, it was what happened next that lit me on fire. None of those 3 guys tried to follow Zack or help him down off the hill, none of them called 911 or Game Warden, Zack had to do all of that himself. Whenever Zack tried to get them to come down with him to the road they said they “couldn’t because they had to get their stuff” and refused to come down the same way as Zack. They took another route closer to their truck, where Zack already had called family making sure they didn’t try to leave. They were out of towners that lived over 3 hours away, nobody knew who they were. One guy in the group even tried to make gaslighting comments making it sound like it was zack’s fault. It takes nothing to be a decent human and own up to your own mistakes. These 3 did none of that, that’s where I have the issue.
Zack ended up with multiple wounds on his face, chest and shoulders, none of them on the chest entered, just ended up with a bunch of bruising on his chest, we ended up getting two fragments out of his face and one more still in his face that we’ll have to go have removed. His eye is completely swollen shut today and bruised. We are truly thankful that he was 60 yards out, had not much more time went by and he been 40 yards or less out from the guys, this could’ve honestly had a way more devastating outcome. Zack was in an open area, with no decoys out, he wasn’t calling and there was no turkey in between him and the three guys, he was standing up walking directly at the group. We truly will never understand how they could say they “thought he was a turkey” for guys who claim to have been hunting for “over 40 years”
Please be careful and be aware of your surroundings while out there. We are so thankful that he isn’t hurt any worse, he is more than lucky. We know a lot of younger kids out there hunting, we are so glad it wasn’t a child or that Zack didn’t have a younger kid with him. PLEASE do not pull the trigger until you absolutely know what you’re shooting at, the absolute first rule, ALWAYS. Please be mindful, you are not the only one out there. Please be safe and if something does happen, please do the right thing to get that person the care they need.
Thank you to all of the texts and calls and thank you to everyone who showed up yesterday or took care of the kids. Every Game Warden, sheriff and EMT that responded was great. Holzer ER also took great care of him as well (even if I did have to force him to go be looked at). Luckily, all of his wounds are things he can recover from, but the situation is still too close to being a different outcome and should never happen.
I am thankful that he is still with us, I am thankful my babies father is still here and I will forever be thanking God he was 60 yards out.

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My lord, thankfully he wasn't killed. Absolutely no excuse for shooting someone. What happened afterwards tells you what kind of human beings they are. No mercy for the offenders.

Years ago I tried to sneak into the woods for an afternoon bow hunt. Moving at a slow and steady pace I happened to look around at some point and realized a turkey hunter was looking at me through his scope. I yelled immediately and dropped. He didn't shoot but he never responded and he wasn't there when I got the nerve to stand up. I have worn a florescent vest since that day no matter what I am doing in the woods.

No more run and gun turkey hunting for me. I see guys hunting behind a turkey decoy and get the shivers.
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Is the landowner protected civilly? I know some states the landowner is protected civilly from those he/she has granted permission to hunt, fish etc on said property but the landowner is not protected from civil liability regarding actions taken by those guests.
scroll down to middle paragraph. As long as no fee is charged there is no liability.
There was a segment on the news this morning where a turkey hunter was shot in WV by another hunter. The victim was hit hard and asked the suspect to help him. The suspect refused and left the area, claiming it was an accident. Somehow the victim made it to the hospital, had two collapsed lungs, shot in the face, head, chest and is expected to survive. The suspect turned himself in and was charged with refusing to render aid. He was also a convicted felon and charged with possession of a firearm by a convicted felon. Sad, but true....
A buddy of mine was shot in the back while turkey hunting on private land. He was slowly walking along the property line when he noticed another hunter on the other property. As he turned to walk away from the other guy, he got blasted in the back. The impact knocked him flat on his face. He was hit multiple times in the back, neck and both arms. He still has some pellets still in his body today. The attending ER surgeon advised to just leave them as further surgery would be very difficult.
The alleged "hunter" was arrested. Paid a big fine and lost his hunting license.
I told my buddy to talk to a lawyer, which he did and sued the other guy.
I think my buddy got about 20 grand for his trouble.
scroll down to middle paragraph. As long as no fee is charged there is no liability.
This protects the landowner from those who have permission to access his/her land only. This does not protect the landowner from the actions committed by those who have permission to be there due to their own negligence. The landowner may be liable for the actions committed by his or her "guests."
I feel sorry for Zack....

About 10 years ago my father was hunting, and a young kid about 25 years old shot my dad in the face (by
so-called accident). My dad was wearing orange (which I believe does nothing more than to give LEO visuals
to check out hunters).
Sent to the emergency room my sister arrived first. I didn't arrive until about 30 min later. This is where I learned
a lot about emergency rooms.

Any person shot or stabbed is named "John Doe". the real names are not said. I went inside asking for my father
and they said they had no idea whom I was talking about. It was my sister who saw me and got me. She explained
what was going on and why my dad was "Not present".

After removing many buckshot in his face, they deemed it necessary to leave the one that destroyed his left eye and
caused total blindness in that eye.

Few days later my father was complaining about pain in his neck. Doctors and nurses ignored it, since there was no
wounds around the neck.

After constant complaining, they took him in for another X-ray/cat scan. They found a couple more buckshot that
was located in his neck. Somehow the shot snaked its way down his throat to the bottom of his neck.

After considerable discussion, it was also deemed that the removal of the buckshot was more dangerous than the
buckshot being left behind.

One year later, my dad's case was presented as a learning tool for Doctors, Nurses, and EMT personnel, reminding
them to LISTEN to the patient no matter how improbable the situation could be. His accident is now on record
for lessons to be learned while becoming Health care people. Some of you may have already seen the presentation
if you are in the medical field. His situation could have been life and death if the pellet ended up in the wrong spot.

Most important of all....LISTEN. Be aware of what a stabbed or shot person is saying. You do not feel the pain, but
he does.

Thank God Zack made it through. A good man (even though I do not know him) because most hunters are good
people, and it only takes one or two bad ones out of 100's of thousands to destroy it for all of us.
Wow. Sorry to hear that you and your family have to go through this.

Thank you for sharing.

My cousin's father-in-law was hunting turkey on private land and was shot With a cross bow (broad head) through the left forearm by a trespassing hunter.

He got himself to his truck and called for help before passing out. The bad guy fled. He's still got serious issues using his arm.

The cops eventually found the bad guy. Years of slow court action yielded a fine and loss of hunting previleges for 2 years.

The bad guy does not have anything to his name so civil suit would be useless.

Here's to hoping your bad guys turn around and do the right things.

Will hold you and your family in my prayers.


About 30 years or so ago there was a turkey hunting “accident “ not to far from me. Newspaper headlines read ( Two hunters shot while turkey hunting) .One was shot in the face and neck and other was shot in buttocks. Think we can figure out what happened.
Not me. They are from Ohio.

Long post so stick with me, but we’ve gotten so many texts and calls, I figured it was time. I’ve went back and forth about making a post, but decided to take all of this as hopefully a learning experience for everyone out there hunting.
Saturday night Zack and I decided to go turkey hunting. We had planned to get up at 4am on Sunday and go, just like we do every year. Zack came in the bedroom to wake me up yesterday morning and I decided I was going to stay home because Blair had been up all night. Zack decided he was still going to go by himself (not something uncommon for him, we all know the guy loves his hunting and outdoors) around 8:40 yesterday I had just put my phone down and walked away and came back to two missed calls and a message saying “answer your phone, I just got shot” when I tell you my heart sank.. I cannot ever describe that feeling. I tried calling Zack back with no answer, I called Tammy and could tell by the sound in her voice that it was real, nobody had gotten to Zack yet. He finally called me back, all he could tell me was he had been shot in his face, shoulder and chest but couldn’t tell me how bad it was yet just that he was bleeding everywhere and was on his way down the hill where his dad already was. Zack was shot by a guy in a group of 3 guys at around 60 yards out because “they thought he was a turkey”
This mistake should NEVER happen, however, it was what happened next that lit me on fire. None of those 3 guys tried to follow Zack or help him down off the hill, none of them called 911 or Game Warden, Zack had to do all of that himself. Whenever Zack tried to get them to come down with him to the road they said they “couldn’t because they had to get their stuff” and refused to come down the same way as Zack. They took another route closer to their truck, where Zack already had called family making sure they didn’t try to leave. They were out of towners that lived over 3 hours away, nobody knew who they were. One guy in the group even tried to make gaslighting comments making it sound like it was zack’s fault. It takes nothing to be a decent human and own up to your own mistakes. These 3 did none of that, that’s where I have the issue.
Zack ended up with multiple wounds on his face, chest and shoulders, none of them on the chest entered, just ended up with a bunch of bruising on his chest, we ended up getting two fragments out of his face and one more still in his face that we’ll have to go have removed. His eye is completely swollen shut today and bruised. We are truly thankful that he was 60 yards out, had not much more time went by and he been 40 yards or less out from the guys, this could’ve honestly had a way more devastating outcome. Zack was in an open area, with no decoys out, he wasn’t calling and there was no turkey in between him and the three guys, he was standing up walking directly at the group. We truly will never understand how they could say they “thought he was a turkey” for guys who claim to have been hunting for “over 40 years”
Please be careful and be aware of your surroundings while out there. We are so thankful that he isn’t hurt any worse, he is more than lucky. We know a lot of younger kids out there hunting, we are so glad it wasn’t a child or that Zack didn’t have a younger kid with him. PLEASE do not pull the trigger until you absolutely know what you’re shooting at, the absolute first rule, ALWAYS. Please be mindful, you are not the only one out there. Please be safe and if something does happen, please do the right thing to get that person the care they need.
Thank you to all of the texts and calls and thank you to everyone who showed up yesterday or took care of the kids. Every Game Warden, sheriff and EMT that responded was great. Holzer ER also took great care of him as well (even if I did have to force him to go be looked at). Luckily, all of his wounds are things he can recover from, but the situation is still too close to being a different outcome and should never happen.
I am thankful that he is still with us, I am thankful my babies father is still here and I will forever be thanking God he was 60 yards out.

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I have had that happen to Mr 16 years ago I had to chase the guy down in trucks for miles he got away for a bit and I found his truck I blew his tires out and wind shield from out of state never found the guy , never saw that truck in the area again same as your
About 30 years or so ago there was a turkey hunting “accident “ not to far from me. Newspaper headlines read ( Two hunters shot while turkey hunting) .One was shot in the face and neck and other was shot in buttocks. Think we can figure out what happened.
I had similar thing happen to me , I got peppered while walking in on a trail and a person nailed me I chased him to his truck and he got away found his truck later that day his truck was not able to drive away after that it got towed and that guy never came back to that woods . I went back to the area where it happened and found about 7 beer cans where he was at. That guy was a real gem I tell you I wear a orange vest and red headlamp walking in and out now. Got to be able to see your target and beyond. I know a guy who shot a horse while on a drive the farmer almost killed him it cost him alot of money in the end. Please be careful out in the woods
I had similar thing happen to me , I got peppered while walking in on a trail and a person nailed me I chased him to his truck and he got away found his truck later that day his truck was not able to drive away after that it got towed and that guy never came back to that woods . I went back to the area where it happened and found about 7 beer cans where he was at. That guy was a real gem I tell you I wear a orange vest and red headlamp walking in and out now. Got to be able to see your target and beyond. I know a guy who shot a horse while on a drive the farmer almost killed him it cost him alot of money in the end. Please be careful out in the woods
Hopefully he has contacted an attorney and the dirt bags involved have been identified. The landowner may also be on the hook. If DNR refuses to arrest I would contact the States Attorney's office to file charges. This doesn't sound like an accident to me. What those idiots did after the fact changes everything in my book. If these guys had done the right thing then my suggestions would be unnecessary, at least for me.

Stories like this infuriates me.
Landowner? Why? Explain how this could ever be right!
Landowner? Why? Explain how this could ever be right!
I stated the landowner maybe on the hook. Property owners in some states may be held responsible civilly for the actions committed by their guests. You can certainly disagree with me but why the contempt for my original post?

By the way I am a landowner and believe me I hope my opinion is wrong. However we live in a grossly litigious world and I suppose anything is possible when a lawyer is involved.
I stated the landowner maybe on the hook. Property owners in some states may be held responsible civilly for the actions committed by their guests. You can certainly disagree with me but why the contempt for my original post?

By the way I am a landowner and believe me I hope my opinion is wrong. However we live in a grossly litigious world and I suppose anything is possible when a lawyer is involved.
Yep. When lawyers get involved they arent interested in who is truly guilty or innocent. Its only about who they can make pay, and how much they can get for it.
I stated the landowner maybe on the hook. Property owners in some states may be held responsible civilly for the actions committed by their guests. You can certainly disagree with me but why the contempt for my original post?

By the way I am a landowner and believe me I hope my opinion is wrong. However we live in a grossly litigious world and I suppose anything is possible when a lawyer is involved.
My contempt is not with your post. My contempt is for the misguided notion that somehow someone (the landowner) could somehow be held liable for the actions of another without his knowledge or bearing witness to the egregious acts described in this thread. I'm reminded of an old joke...what do you call 10,000 lawyers chained to the bottom of the sea? A damned good start.
My contempt is not with your post. My contempt is for the misguided notion that somehow someone (the landowner) could somehow be held liable for the actions of another without his knowledge or bearing witness to the egregious acts described in this thread. I'm reminded of an old joke...what do you call 10,000 lawyers chained to the bottom of the sea? A damned good start.

Welcome to Amerika.
If Zack was arrested for making pulled Long Pig... I would do everything in the world to get on that jury.

God Bless you, Zack.

BTW, from that pic, yoozgotsum kewl scars. As a young Marine, I've been shot, fragged, bombed and directly hit by lightning.
Drinks are on me if'n we every get to compare stories around a fire, sir. If'n yousaz sarsaparilla and curly straws, I'm fine till morning just talking with you and yours.

I love this bar.