Venison burger hot dog sauce

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Nov 19, 2020
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This is very easy to make and better to eat. I use an electric frying pan. Brown the meat and onions first, use my emersion blender and chop it really fine. Mix all ingredients together and simmer water off to a dry by product. I use my deer meat hotdogs, mustard, and onions on top. Its an all American pastime and goes great with a cold IMG_3405.jpegIMG_3404.jpegbeer anytime. Try it, you will like it. Shorty
This is very easy to make and better to eat. I use an electric frying pan. Brown the meat and onions first, use my emersion blender and chop it really fine. Mix all ingredients together and simmer water off to a dry by product. I use my deer meat hotdogs, mustard, and onions on top. Its an all American pastime and goes great with a cold View attachment 39448View attachment 39449beer anytime. Try it, you will like it. Shorty
Copied your recipe but wondered would deer burger work too? I have lots/Ed
Thank-you Shorty, and mom would be proud to see that salad on the side... throw another dog on that plate and I'll see you in 5. Made an early resolution to lose 10 more pounds, might as well break it ahead of time too. You should consider publishing roadside diner menus as that photo doest truly bring tears to me weary eyes. And, after a few hours, the warden would have tears in her eyes too! Win-win!