sittin in the waitin room

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Well-Known Member
Sep 29, 2022
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waiting tonhave the wife called back to have her knee scoped

watching a couple of folks trying to get a lobby computer going, the wife suggested i help (30 years of coding and systems admin) and i pointed out they werent paying me... If they wanna talk about a cash refund of the $500 payment i just made for the procedure, i've got my laptop and other tools of mayhem in the car :)
Definitely sounds like it’s worth asking about a trade. Or do like the hospitals do, start sending them random bills for services that cant be explained but you somehow authorized just by walking in the door.

No, no, no… you’ve got it wrong.

“This is not a bill.” 😂
I hope her knee will be fine. The only knee procedure I've had is a shot to make it work better. They forgot to tell me about the pain that shot can cause. The shot give was lucky I did not pull his head off his neck. But the shot was a miracle in helping the knee.
Reminds me of when my dad twisted his knee.The little nurse in the ER, barely 110lbs soaking wet, said here hold my hand as they was putting the needle under his kneecap. I've seen my dad pick up the side of a trailer and hold it with one hand and weld it with the other. He took her to the floor. She was squalling. He released her hand when they pulled the needle out. She left the room crying, holding her hand with another nurse helping her. I will never forget it.

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