Busted right out of the gate

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Well-Known Member
Sep 29, 2022
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Or at least right out of the screen door.

20 feet into some oaks, 100 yards from our morning blind @Ninering62 and I jumped a bird off its roost about 20 min pre dawn

Got into our blind and right at sun up saw a hen and heard lots of birds

30 min in and theres a burd up in a pine about 100 yards away due west with a perfect view of us cackling non stop for a few minutes. Then two or three more 60 yards away up in trees due south take off and we watch them take the long way around totally avoiding us

We sat for a ling time but no other action besides a hen comin through

8 more hunting days most of which I work left ...
Enjoy the hunt. When you pull the trigger its done.
Thats a fact!
We are back at again this morn.
I went back out to the blind after AC left & I stayed until 8:00.
I had numerous hens around & called in 2 gobblers, but both had hens with them & their own plans that did not include me.
So no shot at either bird. BUT, they did roost right behind my 400yd target ( close to our brush blind ) again, so sneakin into the blind this morn is critical or we will see another repeat of what happened yesterday morn. Welcome to turkey hunting right lol
Sounds like you have a great spot there.
Good luck this morning.
Yes, it’s pretty sweet. We had a bunch of pre daybreak ruckus in the treetops & had a nice gobbler on the ground at 60yds at first light & had 6 hens fly down right in front of us. We are watching a gobbler with 5 hens on the other side of the field right now. We are in the field, in the blind, and they are IN THE YARD next to the house lol. Gotta love turkey hunting.
I do that more and more lately.🤣
Usually there’s one of two reasons that I delete my post; either it’s bc there’s just no point in saying what I said, or what I said is gonna get me banned.
But this time it’s bc I wrote I post about me & Anonymouscowherds mornin adventure in the turkey blind, but the dang 15sec video I wanted to go with it would not load. I got tired of messing with it & just deleted the whole thing.
I’d venture to say my two main reasons for deleting my own posts, resonates just a tiny bit with you as well.
Yes, it’s pretty sweet. We had a bunch of pre daybreak ruckus in the treetops & had a nice gobbler on the ground at 60yds at first light & had 6 hens fly down right in front of us. We are watching a gobbler with 5 hens on the other side of the field right now. We are in the field, in the blind, and they are IN THE YARD next to the house lol. Gotta love turkey hunting.
WHAT? No couch?:D